Spiritual Self

How to Evangelize In Your Daily Life

With more than 200 million Christians in the U.S., only about one in four of them are Evangelicals. While you might know a lot of people who identify with Catholicism or Christianity, not all of them are active or practicing very often. If you learn how to evangelize, you could bring more people from your […]

Spiritual Self

6 Daily Habits for Living a Spiritual Life

As 18 million adults now report that they use some kind of meditation regularly, it’s never been easier to live a spiritual life. Look around your circle of friends or colleagues and you’ll surely find other people interesting in living a spiritual life. If you’re interested, there are simple ways to bring these practices into […]

Spiritual Self

How To Bring Good Spiritual Energy To Yourself

Do you want to learn how to attract more positive energy into your life and world? Maybe you’ve heard about the laws of attraction, but you’re not sure how they can apply to your unique situation. As it turns out, asking the universe for positive energy can be relatively simple and grounding. Let’s get into […]